English :
to demolish, to annul, to break, to undo, to tear, to shatter, harrows, to clear, to liquidate, to terminate, to denounce, to abolish, to break down, to collapse
Potential conditional (present)
S1. freuzehen pe freuzahen
S2. freuzehes pe freuzahes
S3. freuzehe pe freuzahe
P1. freuzehemp pe freuzahemp
P2. freuzehec'h pe freuzahec'h
P3. freuzehent pe freuzahent
I. freuzehed pe freuzahed
Unreal conditional (past)
S1. freuzezen pe freuzazen
S2. freuzezes pe freuzazes
S3. freuzeze pe freuzaze
P1. freuzezemp pe freuzazemp
P2. freuzezec'h pe freuzazec'h
P3. freuzezent pe freuzazent
I. freuzezed pe freuzazed